Since Luke and Lucas are so ϋber-trendy these days, Luca is the more original choice and a name to consider. Luca definitely has a little more Italian zest and European flair than the others – but since it ends in an “a” it also sounds the most feminine (at least for the American palate). English speaking countries vastly prefer Lucas and Luke to Luca, although they are all so similar it’s hard to form an opinion on which is best. It may also come from the Latin word lucus meaning sacred wood (a cognate of lucere). It is also ranked high in Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. Last universal ancestor: The last universal ancestor (LUA), also called the last universal common ancestor (LUCA), cenancestor, or progenote, is the most recent. Lucas is a Latin derivation of the Greek word Loukas, meaning man from Lucania which was an ancient district of southern Italy. The name Luke is dates back to the 2nd century as a Middle English colloquial form of the name Lucas. In fact, Luca remains a top favorite in Italy today. Etymology & Historical Origin of the Baby Name Luca. Luca is the Italian version of this originally Greek name.

Luca’s sudden appearance on the American popularity charts has clearly been influenced by the success of Lucas and Luke, other variations of this ‘bright’ name. The name debuted at a respectable position of #626 on the charts (which is moderately low popularity), but has climbed over 350 positions to quasi-moderate usage. popularity graphs – having first appeared this century in the year 2000.